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Have you been finding it difficult to finish your crossword? Then the crossword solver at is for you
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1.8 MB
Release date
4 May 2010

Editor's review

Crossword is a puzzle game which was primarily based on the paper pen mode and is still found in a number of regular publications and periodicals like magazines, newspapers, journals etc. This is a puzzle game with customizable level of difficulty which can be made easy or difficult according to the requirements. There may be a number of times when you may have faced problem in seeking out the right word for filling in the crossword grid if the level of puzzle is high. In such a case, unknown word(s) can create problem in further solving of the puzzle and at last, you may eventually find yourself in need for v.1.0, for getting to the solution. v.1.0 is a freeware webpage application that can let you know the unknown words of a crossword puzzle. The webpage opens up with a search box for typing in the incomplete word picked from the crossword puzzle grid with tips for entering the keyword given below the search box. As the name suggests, in a crossword puzzle, the words intersect each other in a horizontal-vertical words setup so that on every correct word filled in, some letters of some other words automatically get filled. The most important thing is that you must know certain parts of the whole word and the unknown letters of the word should be referred by a question mark. After that, when you click the “Search” button, you will see the results below the search box. More the number of known letters, the easier would it be for you to seek out the correct word as more number of unknown letters would give out a longer list of suggestions. provides a fast and easy way of finding the unknown words in a crossword puzzle. It gives out a comprehensive list of suggestions so that you can match the words according to the clue given and make out the correct one. Hence, it receives a score of three-and-a-half rating points on the scale of five.

Publisher's description

Use our FREE crossword solver! Have you been finding it difficult to finish your crossword? Do you have an elusive clue? Then the crossword solver at is for you. Simply tell us what letters you do have and we'll let you know which words fit the bill. The Crossword Solver uses a massive database of everything to solve crossword puzzles regarding any possible subject. Enter the letters you know in the box above and get an instant answer. Type in the letters that you know, using question marks for the letters that you do not know. The Crossword Puzzle Solver will produce a list of possible solutions. How to Search: Enter a crossword puzzle clue, use question marks for missing letters (one "?" - one letter): cap?tal or cap??a?; use an asterisk for ANY number of unknown letters: navigat* or *zzle or cr*word; exclude words containing the letters that follow a hyphen (dash): p??zle -wdxu.
Version 1.0
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